Thursday, January 31, 2013

Confused Greetings

By Linda Grupp Boutin

I disappeared from the dogs for a week in January, laid out flat on my back in the hospital. I expected an uproarious greeting from Kindu and Star when I returned home. Instead I saw puzzled faces, wrinkled brows knitted in concern. Slowly they realized I was back home and though happy to see me they seemed more confused than anything else.

I thought about what this had all meant to them from their perspective. Whisked away in the middle of the night, they must have wondered where I had gone. One thing canines prize above all else is predictability. There are stories of dogs who knew the time of day to expect the return of their people, greeting children at buses, waiting impatiently at the door for a young woman. Sometimes even after their master passed away, the faithful dog stood guard yearning for their person's return. It's hard to explain to a dog why their best friend might go missing. They feel it, their hearts break, but they don't have the words for it.

Thankfully my basenjis have welcomed me back into the pack. Star has taken up a new habit of molding her body alongside mine, always with the goal of resting her head on my shoulder. Kindu has started napping beside me while I rest, guarding his spot from his packmate and growling to warn her off from stealing his spot. It's interesting how quickly they fell back into a routine and have no worries about any more absences.

Ultimately I always am happy to receive warm greeting from most everyone. As I return to my normal activities, I have experienced lots of hugs and encouragement from friends and family. This has led me to a renewed sense of purpose and desire to make the most out of every day. Sunsets have taken on new vibrancy. Pictures on Facebook get my attention. Food tastes extra delicious especially when prepared by caring hands especially for me. A new sense of God's blessings in my life and a gratitude for all I receive.

So how about you? Do you wag your tail uproariously when a friend stops by? How about jumping for joy for that treat you just received? Take a lesson from our four-footed friends and show those you love that you love them. You might be surprised with the greeting you might receive back!


  1. Cute post! Bet your tail was wagging to see "Your kids!"

  2. Linda,
    This reminds me of Homer's Odyssey, where Odysseus, after being away for over twenty years once again returns home dressed as a beggar. Only Agros, his faithful dog, recognizes him and, at the end of his own days, expends his last bit of energy to drop his ears and wag his tail for his master.

    1. Wow Doug,I feel a bit overwhelmed in the company of Homer. Thanks!
